Thursday, April 13, 2006

Problems in UK Health IT Implementation Efforts

provides an interesting perspective on difficulties currently being faced by the National Programme for IT in the UK National Health Service, which has invested huge resources in the creation of a new national health IT system based on HL7 V3 messaging before the V3 standard itself has been properly tested (or indeed properly implemented).


Anonymous said...

A bit hesitant to reply on the HL7 v3 abuse site, just a question.

There is a report (late reaction, sorry I was unaware of this side until now), from NHS delays of iSoft.

Can professor Smith provide us with insight how this iSoft thing in the real world relates to the HL7 v3 message standard for information about things?

For the time being anonymous.

Barry Smith said...


seems to suggest that difficulties in implementing HL7 V3 are indeed part of the problems iSoft has been facing.